Why Gun Safes are Important Investments


Since the Second Amendment was adopted in 1791, it has been continually reinterpreted by courts at all levels—up to and including the US Supreme Court. Regardless of one’s political views on gun rights or gun control, everyone agrees that these decisions have led to the explosive proliferation of guns.

Americans own an estimated 175 million guns, which equates to one gun for every 1.85 persons. With so many firearms in circulation, secure storage has become a necessity as they must be kept out of the hands of children and other unauthorized parties. Far too often we read about unintentional injuries and deaths resulting from open or easy access to guns.

Just as deadbolts, alarms and video surveillance systems help keep homes safe from break-ins, gun safes protect guns and limit handling to those with the key or code. As the name implies, gun safes are storage containers—usually fire-proof—which are specially-designed to secure and protect guns, ammunition and accessories.

When asked the primary reason for purchasing a gun safe, most owners would immediately reply that preventing burglars from reaching firearms is the priority. Aside from thieves, however, it is important to remember children, neighbors, friends, visitors, babysitters, dog-walkers, house sitters, housekeepers and others. Gun safes also offer total protection during a variety of disasters, including earthquakes, fires and hurricanes.

Gun safes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can hold one or more than a dozen guns—handguns, shotguns, even assault rifles—along with ammunition and accessories. Additionally, gun safes can store valuables including confidential documents, jewelry, old photos, heirlooms and collectibles.

Today’s gun safes are constructed of heavy cast iron and are incredibly durable and difficult to penetrate. Some are still built with a traditional dial-type combination or keyed lock, though more high-end safes are now equipped with digital locking or biometrics systems to ensure security. These safes are designed and continually tested to sustain and outlast all types of abuse.

Though finding the ideal premium-quality gun safe may seem like a daunting task, Rhino Metals makes it simple and convenient. Customers can peruse, compare and purchase directly from Rhino Metals’ easy-to-navigate website. In addition to some of the finest gun safes on the market, Rhino Metals also creates industrial-styled iron furniture including tool chests, executive desks, armoires, storage cabinets and firearm accessories (gun racks, organizers, safe lightings, holsters, dehumidifiers and more).Rhino Metals is proud to be US-owned and US-operated, to employ a high percentage of veterans and of its dedication to excellence in each step in the design, production, sales and support processes.

About Rhino Metals:

Rhino Metals was founded in 1995 and quickly became one of the industry’s most respected manufacturers of premium gun safes. With its patented designs and unwavering commitment to producing the highest-quality iron furniture and gun safes for sale anywhere, Rhino Metals perfectly blends beauty, strength and function to bring peace of mind to gun owners across the globe.

For more information, please visit Rhinosafe.com


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